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A History of Science, Vol. 4-Henry Smith Williams

A History of Science, Volume 5(of 5)-Henry Smith Williams

A History of Sea Power-William Oliver Stevens and Allan Westcott

A History of Sinai-Lina Eckenstein

A History of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas-William Monks

A History of Spain-Charles E. Chapman

A History of Spanish Literature-James Fitzmaurice-Kelly

A History of Sumer and Akkad-Leonard William King

A History of the Army Experience of William A. Canfield,-0

A History of the Boundaries of Arlington County, Virginia,-0

A History of the British Army, Vol. 1-J. W. Fortescue

A History of the British Army, Vol. 2 of 2-J. W. Fortescue

A History of the Cambridge University Press-S. C. Roberts

A History of the City of Brooklyn and Kings County Volume II,-0

A History of the Coldstream Guards From 1815 to 1895,-0

A History of the Cries of London-Charles Hindley

A History of the Durham Miners Association 1870-1904-John Wilson

A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second,-0

A History of the English Church in New Zealand-Henry Thomas Purchas

A History of the Four Georges of William IV, Vol. III of 4, McCarthy-0

A History of the Four Georges William IV, Vol. 4-McCarthy

A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4)-Justin McCarthy

A History of the Four Georges, Volume II (of 4)-Justin McCarthy

A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1-George Saintsbury

A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2-George Saintsbury

A History of the Gipsies-Walter Simson

A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine-Robert H. Thurston

A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 1-Henry Charles Lea

A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 3-Henry Charles Lea

A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 4-Henry Charles Lea

A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages-Henry Charles Lea

A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages; volume II,-0

A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages; volume III,-0

A history of the Irish poor law, in connexion with the condition-0

A History of the Japanese People-Frank Brinkley

A History of the McGuffey Readers-Henry H. Vail

A History of The Nations and Empires Involved and a Study of the-0

A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year-Edwin Emerson

A History of the Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry,-0

A History of the Old English Letter Foundries-Talbot Baines Reed    

A History of the Peninsula War-Charles Oman                         

A History of the Peninsula war, Vol. 1, 1807-1809-Charles Oman

A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 3-Charles Oman

A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 4-Charles Oman

A History of the Philippines-David P. Barrows

A History of the Reformation (Vol. 1 of 2)-Thomas M. Lindsay

A History of the Reformation (Vol. 2 of 2)-Thomas M. Lindsay

A History of the Republican Party-George Washington Platt

A History of the Third French Republic-C. H. C. Wright

A History of the Town of Fairfax-Jeanne Johnson Rust

A History of the Trial of Castner Hanway and Others, for Treason, at-0

A History of the United States-Cecil Chesterton

A History of the United States-Charles Kendall Adams

A History of the War of 1812-15 Between The United States-0

A History of Trade Unionism in the United States-Selig Perlman

A History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard-0

A History of Wood-Engraving-George Edward Woodberry

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A hm galamb-Lehel Kr

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A House to Let-Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins,

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A House-Party-Ouida

A Houseful of Girls-Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

A Houseful of Girls-Sarah Tytler

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A Humble Enterprise-Ada Cambridge

A Humorous History of England-C. Harrison

A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems-Various

A Hundred and Sixty Books by Washington Authors-Various

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A Hundred Years by Post-J. Wilson Hyde

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A Husband for My Wife-William W. Stuart                             

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A Ilha da Madeira-Jose Ramos Coelho

A Illustre Casa de Ramires-Eca de Queiroz

A India Portugueza-Hypacio de Brion

A Influencia Europea na Africa-Carlos Testa

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A Ioyfull medytacyon to all Englonde-Stephen Hawes

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A Japanese Boy-Shigemi Shiukichi

A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla-Leigh Hunt

A Jay of Italy-Bernard Capes

A Jewish Chaplain in France-Lee J. Levinger

A Jolly by Josh-Josh

A Jolly Fellowship-Frank R. Stockton

A Jolly Jingle-Book, ed. by Laura Chandler-0

A Jongleur Strayed-Richard Le Gallienne

A Jose Estevao-Raymundo Antonio de Bulhao Pato

A Journal from Japan-Marie Carmichael Stopes

A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium-Hugh Gibson

A Journal of a Tour in the Congo Free State-Marcus Dorman

A Journal of a Visit of Three Days to Skibbereen, and its-0

A Journal of Impressions in Belgium-May Sinclair

A Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2-Florentia Sale

A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena-Anonymous

A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama 1497-1499-Unknown

A Journal of the Plague Year-Daniel Defoe

A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852-0

A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852-0

A Journalists Note-Book-Frank Frankfort Moore

A Journey from Prince of Waless Fort in Hudsons Bay to the Northern-0

A Journey in Brazil-Louis Agassiz and Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz

A Journey in Other Worlds-John Jacob Astor

A Journey in Russia in 1858-Robert Heywood

A Journey in Southeastern Mexico-Henry Howard Harper

A Journey Through France in War Time-Joseph G. Butler, Jr

A Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople,-0

A Journey to America in 1834-Robert Heywood

A Journey to Katmandu-Laurence Oliphant

A Journey to Ohio in 1810-Margaret van Horn Dwight

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth-Jules Verne

A Journey to the Interior of the Earth-Jules Verne

A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland-Samuel Johnson

A Joy For Ever-John Ruskin

A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, and Silesia-Walter White

A jvo szzad regnye (1. rsz)-Mr Jkai

A jvo szzad regnye (2. rsz)-Mr Jkai

A k tnete (1. r)-Kly Steinhofer

A k tnete (2. r)-Kly Steinhofer

A Kentucky Cardinal-James Lane Allen

A Key to Lord Tennysons In Memoriam-Alfred Gatty

A Key to the Knowledge of Church History (Ancient)-John Henry Blunt

A Key to Uncle Toms Cabin-Harriet Beecher Stowe

A Kidnapped Santa Claus-L. Frank Baum

A kik ktszer halnak meg (1. rsz)-Mr Jkai                      

A kik ktszer halnak meg (2. rsz)-Mr Jkai                      

A Kindergarten Story Book-Jane L. Hoxie

A King of Tyre-James M. Ludlow

A King, and No King-Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

A Kings Comrade-Charles Whistler

A kis kirlyok (1. rsz)-Mr Jkai

A kis kirlyok (2. rsz)-Mr Jkai

A kkor fobb kri a magyarok honfoglal kor,-0

A Knight of the Cumberland-John Fox Jr.

A Knight of the Nineteenth Century-E. P. Roe

A Knight of the White Cross-G. A. Henty

A Knight on Wheels-Ian Hay

A Knyght Ther Was-Robert F. Young

A Korean-English Dictionary-Leon Kuperman

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A Ladder of Swords-Gilbert Parker

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A Lady of Quality-Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Lady of Rome-F. Marion Crawford

A Ladys Life in the Rocky Mountains-Isabella L. Bird

A Ladys Tour in Corsica, Vol. I of 2-Gertrude Forde

A Ladys Tour in Corsica, Vol. II of 2-Gertrude Forde

A Ladys Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53,-0

A Lame Dogs Diary-S. Macnaughtan

A Lamp to the Path-W. K. Tweedie

A Laodicean, A Story of Today-Thomas Hardy

A Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges-George M. Lane

A Laymans Life of Jesus-Samuel H. M. Byers

A Leaf from the Old Forest-J. D. Cossar

A Leap in the Dark-A.V. Dicey

A Lear of the Steppes, etc.-Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling (1726)-Anonymous

A Lecture On Heads-Geo. Alex. Stevens

A Lecture on Physical Development, and its Relations to Mental and-0

A Lecture on the Preservation of Health-Thomas Garnett, M.D

A Lecture on the Study of History-Lord Acton

A Legacy of Fun-Abraham Lincoln

A Legacy to the Friends of Free Discussion-Benjamin Offen

A Legend of Goat Island-Peter A. Porter

A Legend of Montrose-Sir Walter Scott

A Legend of Old Persia and Other Poems-A. B. S. Tennyson

A Legend of Reading Abbey-Charles MacFarlane

A Leisurely Tour in England-James John Hissey

A Lenda da Meia-Noite-Manuel Joaquim Pinheiro Chagas

A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal-Thomas Paine

A Letter Book-George Saintsbury

A Letter From a Clergyman to his Friend-Anonymous

A Letter from Major Robert Carmichael-Smyth-Robert Carmichael-Smyth

A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope-Colley Cibber

A Letter from the Lord Bishop of London, to the Clergy-0

A Letter of Credit-Susan Warner

A Letter on Shaksperes Authorship of The Two Noble Kinsmen,-0

A Letter on Suspended Animation-Henry Hickman

A Letter to a Gentleman in the Country, From His Friend in London-0

A Letter to a Hindu-Leo Tolstoy

A Letter to American Workingmen-N. Lenin

A Letter to Dion-Bernard Mandeville

A Letter to Grover Cleveland-Lysander Spooner

A Letter to Hon. Charles Sumner-Hamilton Wilcox Pierson

A Letter to Lord Robert Bertie-Anonymous

A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter-Edward Hall Alderson

A Letter to the Hon. Samuel Eliot, Representative in-0

A Letter to the People of Madeley and its Vicinity-0

A Letter to the Rev. William Maskell-Mayow Wynell Mayow

A Letter To the Reverend Mr. Channing Relative to His Two-0

A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bexley-Francis Cunningham

A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor, on-0

A Letter To The Society for the Suppression of Vice, on-0

A Letter to Thomas F. Bayard-Lysander Spooner

A Librarians Open Shelf-Arthur E. Bostwick

A Library Primer-John Cotton Dana

A Lie Never Justifiable-H. Clay Trumbull

A Lieutenant at Eighteen-Optic Oliver

A Life for a Life, Vol. 1 of 3-Dinah Maria Craik

A Life for a Life, Vol. 2 of 3-Dinah Maria Craik

A Life for a Life, Vol. 3 of 3-Dinah Maria Craik

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A Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee-John Esten Cooke

A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte-Ida Minerva Tarbell

A Life of St. John for the Young-George Ludington Weed

A Life of Walt Whitman-Henry Bryan Binns

A Life of William Shakespeare-Sidney Lee

A Life Sentence-Adeline Sergeant

A Lifes Eclipse-George Manville Fenn

A Lifes Morning-George Gissing

A Lifes Secret-Mrs. Henry Wood

A Likely Story-William De Morgan

A Likely Story-William Dean Howells

A Lincoln Conscript-Homer Greene

A line-o-verse or two-Bert Leston Taylor

A List of Books Published by Chatto Windus, November 1887-0

A List of Books Published by Chatto Windus, September 1891-0

A list of books published by Chatto and Windus, October 1892,-0

A List of Educational Works Published by Methuen Company,-0

A List of Factorial Math Constants-Unknown

A List To Starboard-F. Hopkinson Smith

A Literary Historical Atlas of America-J. G. Bartholomew          

A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia-J. G. Bartholomew

A Literary History of Ireland-Douglas Hyde

A Literary History of the Arabs-Reynold Nicholson

A Literary History of the English People-Jean Jules Jusserand

A Literary Pilgrimage Among the Haunts of Famous British Authors,-0

A Little Bit of Fluff-Walter W. Ellis

A Little Book for A Little Cook-L. P. Hubbard

A Little Book for Christmas-Cyrus Townsend Brady

A Little Book of Bores-Oliver Herford

A Little Book of Christmas-John Kendrick Bangs

A Little Book of Filipino Riddles-Various

A Little Book of Old Time Verse-Various

A Little Book of Profitable Tales-Eugene Field

A Little Book of Profitable Tales-Eugene Field

A Little Book of Stoicism-St. George Stock

A Little Book of Western Verse-Eugene Field

A Little Boy Lost-W. H. Hudson

A Little Boy Lost-W. H. Hudson

A Little Brother to the Bear and other Animal Stories-William Long

A Little Bush Maid-Mary Grant Bruce

A Little Candy Book for a Little Girl-Amy L. Waterman

A Little Catechism, 1692-John Mason

A Little Change-Sydney Grundy

A Little Colored Boy and Other Stories-Methodist Book Concern

A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl-French Benton

A Little Country Girl-Susan Coolidge

A Little Dinner at Timminss-William Makepeace Thackeray

A Little Dusky Hero-Harriot T, Comstock

A Little English Gallery-Louise Imogen Guiney

A Little Fleet-Jack B. Yeats

A Little Florida Lady-Dorothy C. Paine

A Little Freckled Person-Mary Carolyn Davies

A Little Garden Calendar for Boys and Girls-Albert Bigelow Paine

A Little Garrison-Fritz von der Kyrburg

A Little Girl in Old Boston-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Chicago-Amanda M. Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Detroit-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old New York-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Philadelphia-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Pittsburg-Amanda M. Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Quebec-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Salem-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old San Francisco-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old St. Louis-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Washington-Amanda M. Douglas

A Little Girl of Long Ago-Amanda Minnie Douglas

A Little Girl to her Flowers in Verse-Anonymous

A Little Hero-Mrs. H. Musgrave

A Little Housekeeping Book for a Little Girl,-0

A Little Journey-Ray Bradbury                                       

A Little Journey in the World-Charles Dudley Warner

A Little Journey to Puerto Rico-Marian M. George

A Little Knowledge-Russ Winterbotham

A Little Maid in Toyland-Adah Louise Sutton

A Little Maid of Massachusetts Colony-Alice Turner Curtis

A Little Maid of Old Maine-Alice Turner Curtis

A Little Maid of Old Philadelphia-Alice Turner Curtis

A Little Maid of Province Town-Alice Turner Curtis

A Little Maid of Ticonderoga-Alice Turner Curtis

A Little Miss Nobody-Amy Bell Marlowe

A Little Mother to the Others-L. T. Meade

A Little Norsk; Or, Ol Paps Flaxen-Hamlin Garland

A Little Pilgrim-Margaret O. Wilson Oliphant

A Little Pilgrim-Mrs. Oliphant

A Little Pilgrimage in Italy-Olave M. Potter

A Little Present for a Good Child-Unknown

A Little Preserving Book for a Little Girl-Amy Waterman

A Little Princess-Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Little Princess-Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Little Queen of Hearts-Ruth Ogden

A Little Question in Ladies Rights-Parker Fillmore

A Little Rebel-Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

A Little Rebel-Mrs. Hungerford

A Little Swiss Sojourn-W. D. Howells

A Little Tour In France-Henry James

A Little Tour In Ireland-S. Reynolds Hole

A Little Tour of France-Henry James

A Little Traitor to the South-Cyrus Townsend Brady

A Little Union Scout-Joel Chandler Harris

A Little Window-Jean M. Snyder

A Little Wizard-Stanley J. Weyman

A Little World-George Manville Fenn

A Lively Bit of the Front-Percy F. Westerman

A Living from the Land-William B. Duryee

A Logic Of Facts-George Jacob Holyoake

A lombre des jeune filles en fleurs-Marcel Proust

A lombre des jeune filles en fleurs-Marcel Proust

A lombre des jeune filles en fleurs-Marcel Proust

A London Baby-L. T. Meade

A London Life; The Patagonia; The Liar; Mrs. Temperly-Henry James

A London Plane-Tree, and Other Verse-Amy Levy                       

A Lonely Flute-Odell Shepard

A Loose End and Other Stories-S. Elizabeth Hall

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A Lost Leader-Dorothea Townshend

A Lost Leader-E. Phillips Oppenheim

A Love Episode-Emile Zola

A Love Story-William Harvey Christie

A Love Story Reversed-Edward Bellamy

A Lover in Homespun-F. Clifford Smith

A Lovers Complaint-William Shakespeare

A Lovers Complaint-William Shakespeare

A Lovers Diary, Complete-Gilbert Parker

A Lovers Diary, Vol. 1-Gilbert Parker

A Lovers Diary, Vol. 2-Gilbert Parker

A Lovers Litanies-Eric Mackay

A Lowden Sabbath Morn-Robert Louis Stevenson

A Loyal Little Red-Coat-Ruth Ogden

A lthatatlan ember-Gza Grdonyi

A Lucta Civil Brazileira e o Sebastianismo Portuguez,-0

A Lute of Jade-L. Cranmer-Byng

A Mad Love-Bertha M. Clay

A Madcap Cruise-Oric Bates                                          

A Madeira Party-S. Weir Mitchell

A Magnificent Fight: Marines in the Battle for Wake Island,-0

A magunk szerelme-Endre Ady

A magyar nmuvete (1. k)-Dezso Malonyay

A magyar ns gyei-Elek Benedek

A Maid and a Million Men-James G Dunton

A Maid at King Alfreds Court-Lucy Foster Madison

A Maid of Brittany-May Wynne

A Maid of Many Moods-Virna Sheard

A Maid of the Kentucky Hills-Edwin Carlile Litsey

A Maid of the Silver Sea-John Oxenham

A Maker of History-E. Phillips Oppenheim

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A Man Four-Square-William MacLeod Raine

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A Man of Honor-George Cary Eggleston

A Man of Mark-Anthony Hope

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A Man of Samples-Wm. H. Maher

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A Man of the World-Annie Payson Call

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A Man to His Mate-J. Allan Dunn

A Man: His Mark-W. C. Morrow

A Manifest Destiny-Julia Magruder

A Mans Hearth-Eleanor M. Ingram

A Mans Man-Ian Hay

A Mans Value to Society-Newell Dwight Hillis

A Mans Woman-Frank Norris

A Mans World-Albert Edwards

A Manual for Teaching Biblical History-Eugene Kohn

A Manual of American Literature-Various

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A Manual of Ancient History-M. E. Thalheimer

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A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis-James Campbell Todd

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A Manual of Italian Literature-Francis Henry Cliffe

A Manual of Moral Philosophy-Andrew Preston Peabody

A Manual of Philippine Birds-Richard McGregor

A Manual of Pronunciation-Otis Ashmore

A Manual of Pyrotechny-G. W. Mortimer

A Manual of the Antiquity of Man-J. P. MacLean

A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding-James B. Nicholson

A Manual of the Art of Fiction-Clayton Hamilton

A Manual of the Hand Lathe-Egbert Pomeroy Watson

A Manual of the Historical Development of Art,-0

A Manual of the Malay language-William Edward Maxwell

A Manual of the Operations of Surgery-Joseph Bell

A Manual of Toy Dogs-Mrs. Leslie Williams

A Manual of Wood Carving-Charles G. Leland

A Manual: or an Easy Method of Managing Bees-John M. Weeks

A Mao e A Luva-Machado de Assis

A March on London-G. A. Henty

A Marriage at Sea-W. Clark Russell

A Marriage Under the Terror-Patricia Wentworth

A Martian Odyssey-Stanley Grauman Weinbaum

A Masque of Days-Walter Crane

A Master Hand-Richard Dallas

A Master of Craft-W. W. Jacobs

A Master of Deception-Richard Marsh

A Master of Fortune-C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne

A Master of Mysteries-L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace

A Masters Degree-Margaret Hill McCarter

A Mating in the Wilds-Ottwell Binns

A Matter of Honor-Ann Wilson

A Matter of Importance-William Fitzgerald Jenkins

A Matter of Magnitude-Al Sevcik

A Matter of Order-Fox B. Holden

A Matter of Proportion-Anne Walker

A Matter of Protocol-Jack Sharkey

A Mechanical Account of Poisons in Several Essays-Richard Mead

A Mediaeval Mystic-Vincent Scully

A Medly of Weather Lore-Various

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A Memoir of John L. Motley, Vol. 1-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

A Memoir of Robert Blincoe, an Orphan Boy-John Brown

A Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, Knt.-William Henry Whitmore

A Memoir of Transactions That Took Place in St. Domingo-0

A Memorial of Mrs. Margaret Breckinridge-Archibald Alexander

A Memory Of The Southern Seas-Louis Becke

A meneket-Endre Ady

A Mere Accident-George Moore

A Mere Chance, Vol. 1 of 3-Ada Cambridge

A Mere Chance, Vol. 2 of 3-Ada Cambridge

A Mere Chance, Vol. 3 of 3-Ada Cambridge

A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews-0

A Message from the Sea-Charles Dickens

A Message to Garcia-Elbert Hubbard

A mester-Miklos Suranyi

A Method of Tanning without Bark-William Maple

A Michigan Man-Elia W. Peattie

A Middle English Vocabulary-John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

A Middle High German Primer-Joseph Wright

A Middy in Command-Harry Collingwood

A Middy of the King-Harry Collingwood

A Middy of the Slave Squadron-Harry Collingwood

A Middys Recollections 1853-1860-Victor Alexander Montagu

A Midnight Fantasy-Thomas Bailey Aldrich

A Midsummer Drive Through The Pyrenees-Edwin Asa Dix

A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems-Algernon Charles Swinburne

A Midsummer Night,s Dream-William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Nights Dream-William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Nights Dream-William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Nights Dream-William Shakespeare

A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians-Albert S. Gatschet

A Military Dictionary and Gazetteer-Thomas Wilhelm                  

A Military Genius-Sarah Ellen Blackwell

A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready-Bret Harte

A Millionaire of Yesterday-E. Phillips Oppenheim

A Mind That Found Itself-Clifford Whittingham Beers

A Mine of Faults-F. W. Bain

A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy-James Elphinston

A Minor Poet and Other Verse-Amy Levy                               

A Minstrel In France-Harry Lauder

A Miscellany of Men-G. K. Chesterton

A Miscellany of Poetry-Various

A Missionary Twig-Emma L. Burnett

A Mixed Proposal-W. W. Jacobs

A Mixture of Genius-Arnold Castle

A Mock Idyl-Percy Ross

A Modern Aladdin-Howard Pyle

A Modern Buccaneer-Rolf Boldrewood

A Modern Chronicle, Complete-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 1-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 2-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 3-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 4-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 5-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 6-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 7-Winston Churchill

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 8-Winston Churchill

A Modern Cinderella-Amanda M. Douglas

A Modern Cinderella-Louisa May Alcott

A Modern Idyll-Frank Harris

A Modern Instance-William Dean Howells

A Modern Legionary-John Patrick Le Poer

A Modern Madonna-Caroline Abbot Stanley                             

A Modern Mephistopheles and A Whisper in the Dark-Lousia M. Alcott  

A Modern Mercenary-Kate Prichard

A Modern Purgatory-Carlo de Fornaro

A Modern Symposium-G. Lowes Dickinson

A Modern Telemachus-Charlotte M. Yonge

A Modern Tomboy-L. T. Meade

A Modern Utopia-H. G. Wells

A Modern Wizard-Rodrigues Ottolengui

A Modest Meane to Mariage-Clarke Erasmus Roterodamus

A Modest Proposal-Jonathan Swift

A Monk of Cruta-E. Phillips Oppenheim

A Monk of Fife-Andrew Lang

A Monograph of Odontoglossum-James Bateman

A Month in Yorkshire-Walter White

A Moral Alphabet-Hilaire Belloc

A Morgadinha de Val-DAmores-Camilo Ferreira Botelho Castelo Branco

A Morgadinha dos Cannaviaes-J Dinis

A Mornings Walk from London to Kew-Richard Phillips

A Mortal Antipathy-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

A Morte Do Athleta-Antnio Duarte Gomes Leal

A Morte Vence-Joao Jose Grave

A Mothers List of Books for Children-Gertrude Weld Arnold

A Mothers Year Book-Various

A Motor-Flight Through France-Edith Wharton

A Mountain Boyhood-Joe Mills

A Mountain Europa-John Fox, Jr.

A Mountain Woman-Elia W. Peattie

A Mulher Portugueza-Eduardo Shwalbach Lucci

A mulher; Os Portuguezes em Tanger-J. J. Rodrigues de Matos

A Mummers Tale-Anatole France

A Mummers Wife-George Moore

A Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies-Unknown

A Mysterious Disappearance-George M. Baker                          

A Mysterious Disappearance-Gordon Holmes

A Napa Christchild; and Benicias Letters-Charles A. Gunnison

A Narrative of Service with the Third Wisconsin Infantry-Hinkley

A Narrative of the Death of Captain James Cook-David Samwell

A Narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into-0

A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay-Watkin Tench

A Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar-G.B. English

A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Venture, a Native-0

A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the State-0

A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison-James E. Seaver

A Narrative of the Melancholy Wreck of the Dunbar-Anonymous

A Narrative of the Mutiny on Board the Ship, Globe, of-0

A Narrative Of The Mutiny on the Ship Bounty-William Bligh

A Narrative of the Shipwreck, Captivity and Sufferings of-0

A Narrative Of The Siege Of Delhi-Charles John Griffiths

A narrative of the sufferings, preservation and deliverance,-0

A Natural History for Young People: Our Animal Friends-0

A Naturalists Voyage Round the World-Charles Darwin

A Naval Expositior-Thomas Riley Blanckley

A Naval Venture-T. T. Jeans

A Negro Explorer at the North Pole-Matthew A. Henson

A Nest of Linnets-Frank Frankfort Moore

A Nest of Spies-Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain

A Neta do Arcediago-Camilo Castelo Branco

A New Astronomy-David Peck Todd

A New Atmosphere-Gail Hamilton

A New Banking System-Lysander Spooner

A New Bat (Genus Leptonycteris) From Coahuila-Howard J. Stains

A New Bat (Genus Myotis) From Mexico,-0

A New Bat (Genus Pipistrellus) from Northeastern Mexico,-0

A New Bat (Myotis) From Mexico-E. Raymond Hall

A New Bog Lemming (Genus Synaptomys) From Nebraska-J. Knox Jones

A New Catalogue of Vulgar Errors-Stephen Fovargue

A New Century of Inventions-James White

A New Chipmunk (Genus Eutamias) from the Black Hills-John A. White

A New Conscience And An Ancient Evil-Jane Addams

A New Doglike Carnivore-E. Raymond Hall and Walter W. Dalquest

A New England Girlhood-Lucy Larcom

A New Extinct Emydid Turtle from the Lower Pliocene-0

A New Genus of Pennsylvania Fish (Crossoperygii,-0

A New Guide for Emigrants to the West-J. M. Peck

A New History of Blue Beard-Gaffer Black Beard

A New Hochelagan Burying-ground. . .Montreal-W. D. Lighthall

A New Hylid Frog from Eastern Mexico.-Edward H. Taylor

A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rareys Art-0

A New Long-eared Myotis (Myotis Evotis) From-0

A New Medley of Memories-David Hunter-Blair

A New Name for the Mexican Red Bat-E. Raymond Hall

A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian-0

A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson-Edouard le Roy

A New PiMouse (Peromyscus truei) from Durango, Mexico,-0

A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys) From Wyoming-0

A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys), from Eastern Colorado,-0

A New Pocket Gopher (Thomomys) and A New Spiny Pocket Mouse (Liomys)-0

A New Pocket Mouse (Genus Perognathus) from Kansas,-0

A New Sensation-Albert Ross

A New Species of Frog (Genus Tomodactylus)-0

A New Species of Heteromyid Rodent from the Middle Oligocene-0

A New Species of Pocket Gopher (Genus Pappogeomys) From-0

A New Species of Wood Rat (Neotoma) from Northeastern Mexico,-0

A New Subspecies of Bat (Myotis velifer) from Southeastern-0

A New Subspecies of Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus spilosoma)-0

A New Subspecies of Lizard, Cnemidophorus sacki, from-0

A New Subspecies of Microtus montanus from Montana and-0

A New Subspecies of Pocket Mouse from Kansas-E. Raymond Hall

A New Subspecies of Slider Turtle (Pseudemys scripta) from-0

A New Subspecies of the Black Myotis (Bat) from Eastern Mexico,-0

A New Subspecies of the Fruit-eating Bat, Sturnira ludovici,-0

A New Subspecies of Wood Rat (Neotoma mexicana)-0

A New System of Horsemanship-Claude Bourgelat

A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25,-0

A New Voyage to Carolina-John Lawson

A New Witness for God, Volume 1 of 3-B. H. Roberts

A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication-Daniel Clark

A Night in Avignon-Cale Young Rice

A Night in the Luxembourg-Remy De Gourmont

A Night in the Snow-Rev. E. Donald Carr

A Night of the Nets-Amelia E. Barr

A Night on the Borders of the Black Forest,-0

A Night Out-Edward Peple

A Nobel Queen, Volume II of III-Philip Meadows Taylor

A Noble Life-Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

A Noble Name-Claire Von Gl

A Noble Queen (Volume I of 3)-Philip Meadows Taylor

A Noble Queen, Vol. 3 of 3-Philip Meadows Taylor

A Noble Woman-Ann S. Stephens

A Noble Woman-Ernest Protheroe

A Noblemans Nest-Ivan Turgenieff

A Northern Countryside-Rosalind Richards

A Noszty fiu esete Tth Marival (1. ktet)-Klmn Mikszth

A Noszty fiu esete Tth Marival (2. ktet)-Klmn Mikszth

A Novelist on Novels-W. L. George

A Nursery Rhyme Picture Book-L. Leslie Brooke

A Nurses Life in War and Peace-Eleanor Constance Laurence

A Nuvem-LuCouceiro

A Padre in France-George A. Birmingham

A Pagan of the Hills-Charles Neville Buck

A Pail of Air-Fritz Leiber                                          

A Pair of Blue Eyes-Thomas Hardy

A Pair of Clogs-Amy Walton

A Pair of Patient Lovers-William Dean Howells

A Pair of Peacocks Southeast Fly (Kung Chiao Tung Nan Fei)-Unknown

A Pair of Schoolgirls-Angela Brazil

A Paranoia-Julio de Mattos

A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 1 of 3-Adolphe Belot

A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 2 of 3-Adolphe Belot

A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 3 of 3-Adolphe Belot

A Parody Anthology-Carolyn Wells

A Parody on Iolanthe-D. Dalziel

A Parody on Patience-D. Dalziel and H. W. McVicar

A Parody on Princess Ida-D. Dalziel

A Parody Outline of History-Donald Ogden Stewart

A Party in Mother Goose Land-Effa E. Preston                        

A Passion in the Desert-Honore de Balzac

A Passionate Pilgrim-Henry James

A Pasteboard Crown-Clara Morris

A Pata no Choco-Anonymous

A Patriotic Schoolgirl-Angela Brazil

A Pavorosa Illusao-Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage

A Peep Behind the Scenes-Mrs. O. F. Walton

A Peep into Toorkisthhan-Rollo Burslem

A peleskei notaries-Jzsef Gaal

A penalidade na India segundo o Codigo de Manu-A. C. de Figueiredo

A Peoples Man-E. Phillips Oppenheim

A Perilous Secret-Charles Reade

A Persian Pearl and Other Essays-Clarence S. Darrow

A Personal Record-Joseph Conrad

A Pessimist-Robert Timsol

A Phantom Lover-Vernon Lee

A Phenomenal Fauna-Carolyn Wells

A Philadelphia Lawyer in the London Courts-Thomas Leaming

A Philanthropist-Josephine Daskam

A Philological Essay Concerning the Pygmies of the Ancients-Tyson

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 1 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 10 (of 10)-Voltaire

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 2 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 3 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 4 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 5 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 6 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 7 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 8 (of 10),-0

A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 9 (of 10),-0

A Phyllis of the Sierras-Bret Harte

A Pickle For The Knowing Ones-Lord Timothy Dexter

A Pictorial Booklet on Early Jamestown Commodities and Industries,-0

A Picture Book, for Little Children-Anonymous

A Picture of the Desolated States-John Townsend Trowbridge

A Picture-book of Merry Tales-Anonymous

A Pilgrim Maid-Marion Ames Taggart

A Pilgrimage to Nejd, Vol. 1 of 2-Anne Blunt

A Pilgrimage to Nejd, Vol. 2 of 2-Anne Blunt

A Pindarick Ode on Painting-Thomas Morrison

A Pioneer Mother-Hamlin Garland

A Pioneer Railway of the West-Maude Ward Lafferty

A Pirate of Parts-Richard Neville

A Pirate of the Caribbees-Harry Collingwood

A Place in the Sun-C.H. Thames

A Place so Foreign-Cory Doctorow

A Plain and Easie Method For Preserving (By Gods Blessing)-0

A plain and faithful narrative of the original design, rise,-0

A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights-0

A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments,-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments,-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments,-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments,-0

A Plain and Literal Translation of The Arabian Nights Entertainments,-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments,-0

A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments,-0

A Plea for Captain John Brown-Henry David Thoreau

A Plea for Old Cap Collier-Irvin S. Cobb

A Plea for the Criminal-James Leslie Allan Kayll

A Plucky Girl-L. T. Meade

A Pluralistic Universe-William James

A Poached Peerage-William Magnay

A Pocket Dictionary, Welsh-English-William Richards

A Poem to the Memory of our late lamented Queen Caroline-0

A Poetical Cook-Book-Maria J. Moss

A Poetical Review of the late Samuel Johnson-John Courtenay

A politica intercolonial e internacional e o tratado de-0

A Political and Social History of Modern Europe, Vol. 1,-0

A Political History of the State of New York, Vols. 1-3-Alexander

A Political Romance-Laurence Sterne

A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs-Henry Bohn

A Poor Mans House-Stephen Sydney Reynolds

A Poor Wise Man-Mary Roberts Rinehart

A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstones Expedition to the Zambesi-0

A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery, Volume I,-0

A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century,-0

A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times, Vol. 1 of 6,-0

A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times, Vol. 2 of 6,-0

A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times, Vol. 3 of 6,-0

A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times, Vol. 4 of 6,-0

A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times, Vol. 5 of 6,-0

A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times, Vol. 6 of 6,-0

A Popular History of Ireland, Vol. 1-Thomas DArcy

A Popular History of Ireland, Vol. 2-Thomas DArcy

A Popular History of Ireland, Vols. 1 2-Thomas DArcy McGee

A Popular History of the Art of Music-W. S. B. Mathews

A Popular Schoolgirl-Angela Brazil

A Population Study of the Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster)-0

A Portrait of Old George Town-Grace Dunlop Ecker

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man-James Joyce

A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume I (of 3)-Thomas Clarkson

A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume II (of 3)-Thomas Clarkson

A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume III (of 3)-Thomas Clarkson

A Positive Romance-Edward Bellamy

A Possible Solution of the Number Series on Pages 51 to-0

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females-Harvey Newcomb

A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education-James Gall

A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis-Melvin Powers

A Practical Handbook on the Distillation of Alcohol-0

A Practical Novelist-John Davidson

A Practical Physiology-Albert F. Blaisdell

A Practical Treatise on Gas-light-Fredrick Accum

A Practical Treatise on Smallpox-George Henry Fox

A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Perfumery-C. Deite

A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System ...-Wilberforce

A Prairie Courtship-Harold Bindloss

A Prairie Infanta-Eva Wilder Brodhead

A Prairie-Schooner Princess-Mary Katherine Maule

A Prayer Book for Soldiers and Sailors-Anonymous

A Preface to Politics-Walter Lippmann

A Prefects Uncle-P. G. Wodehouse

A Prelude-Francis Sherman

A Present for Infants-Anonymous

A Primary Reader-E. Louise Smythe

A Primer of Assyriology-Archibald Henry Sayce

A Primer of Mayan Hieroglyphics-Daniel G. Brinton

A Primer of Quaternions-Arthur S. Hathaway

A Prince of Anahuac-James A. Porter

A Prince of Bohemia-Honore de Balzac

A Prince of Cornwall-Charles W. Whistler

A Prince of Dreamers-Flora Annie Steel

A Prince of Good Fellows-Robert Barr

A Prince of Sinners-E. Phillips Oppenheim

A Prince of Swindlers-Guy Boothby

A Prince to Order-Charles Stokes Wayne

A Princess in Calico-Edith Ferguson Black

A Princess of Mars-Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Princess of Mars-Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Princess of Thule-William Black                                   

A princeza na berlinda-Urbano de Castro

A Prisoner in Fairyland-Algernon Blackwood

A Prisoner in Turkey-John Still

A Prisoner of Morro-Upton Sinclair

A Prisoner of the Khaleefa: Twelve Years Captivity-0

A Prize for Edie-Jesse Franklin Bone

A Probable Italian Source of Shakespeares Julius Csar,-0

A Problem in Greek Ethics-John Addington Symonds

A Problem in Modern Ethics-John Addington Symonds

A Proclamation Declaring His Majesties Pleasure Concerning-0

A Project for Flying-Robert Hardley

A Propos de lAssommoir-douard Rod

A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our-0

A Proposal Under Difficulties-John Kendrick Bangs

A Protegee of Jack Hamlins and Other Stories-Bret Harte

A przemysli rep by Kurt Matull-0

A Psychiatric Milestone-Various

A Public Appeal for Redress to Harvard University-F. E. Abbot

A Publisher and His Friends-Samuel Smiles

A Publishers Confession-Walter Hines Page

A Pushcart at the Curb-John Dos Passos

A Quaker Sermon 1694-William Penn

A Quantitative Study of the Nocturnal Migration of Birds,-0

A Quarter-Backs Pluck-Lester Chadwick

A Queda dum Anjo-Camilo Castelo Branco

A Queen of Tears, Vol. 1 of 2-William Henry Wilkins                 

A Queen of Tears, Vol. 2 of 2-William Henry Wilkins                 

A Queens Delight-Anonymous

A Queens Error-Henry Curties

A Question-Georg Ebers

A Question of Courage-Jesse Franklin Bone

A Question of Latitude-Richard Harding Davis

A Question of Marriage-Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

A quoi tient lamour-Emile Blemont

A Racial Study of the Fijians-Norman E. Gabel

A Rainy June and Other Stories-Ouida

A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America,-0

A Ramblers lease-Bradford Torrey

A Rational Theology-John A. Widtsoe

A Rational Wages System-Henry Atkinson

A Raw Recruits War Experiences-Ansel D. Nickerson

A Reading Book in Irish History-P. W. Joyce

A Reading of Life-George Meredith

A Reaping-E. F. Benson                                             

A Rebel War Clerks Diary at the Confederate States Capital,-0

A Rebellion in Dixie-Harry Castlemon

A Rebellious Heroine-John Kendrick Bangs

A Rebels Recollections-George Cary Eggleston                       

A rebours-Joris-Karl Huysmans

A Reckless Character, And Other Stories-Ivan Turgenev

A Reconstructed Marriage-Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

A Record of St. Cybis Church, Holyhead-Arthur Penrhyn Stanley

A Red Wallflower-Susan Warner

A Relia-Ede Queir

A Relic of the Revolution-Charles Herbert

A Renaissance Courtesy-book-Giovanni Della Casa

A Rent In A Cloud-Charles James Lever

A Reply to Dr. Lightfoots Essays-Walter R. Cassels

A report of Major Harts case, of rice-frauds, near-0

A report on the feasibility and advisability of some policy-0

A Report on Washington Territory-William Henry Ruffner

A Report upon the Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts,-0

A Republic Without a President and Other Stories-Herbert Ward

A Reputed Changeling-Charlotte M. Yonge

A Residence in France-J. Fenimore Cooper

A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793,-0

A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793,-0

A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793,-0

A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793,-0

A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and-0

A Retrospect-James Hudson Taylor

A Reversible Santa Claus-Meredith Nicholson

A Reversion To Type-Josephine Daskam

A Review and Exposition-An Elector

A Review of Algebra-Romeyn Henry Rivenburg

A Review of Edwardss-Henry Tappan

A Review of Hoffmans Race Traits and Tendencies-0

A Review of the Middle American Tree Frogs of-0

A Review of the Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory-0

A Review of Uncle Toms Cabin-A. Woodward

A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family-0

A Revision of the Treaty-John Maynard Keynes

A Revolu Portugueza: O 31 de Janeiro (Porto 1891)-Jorge de Abreu

A Revolu Portugueza: O 5 de Outubro (Lisboa 1910)-Jorge de Abreu

A Ribband of Blue-J. Hudson Taylor

A Rich Mans Relatives (Vol. 1 of 3)-Robert Cleland

A Rich Mans Relatives (Vol. 2 of 3)-Robert Cleland

A Rich Mans Relatives (Vol. 3 of 3)-Robert Cleland

A Ride across Palestine-Anthony Trollope

A Ride on Horseback to Florence Through France and Switzerland,-0

A Ride on Horseback to Florence Through France and Switzerland,-0

A Ride to India across Persia and Baluchistan-Harry De Windt

A Ride With A Mad Horse In A Freight-Car-W. H. H. Murray

A Righte Merrie Christmasse-John Ashton

A Ring of Rubies-L. T. Meade

A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari-Frederick Cornell

A Rivermouth Romance-Thomas Bailey Aldrich

A road-book to old Chelsea-G. B. Stuart

A Roadside Harp-Louise Imogen Guiney

A Rock in the Baltic-Robert Barr

A Rogue by Compulsion-Victor Bridges

A Rogues Life-Wilkie Collins

A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem-W. W. Story

A Roman Singer-F. Marion Crawford

A Romance in Transit-Francis Lynde

A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill-Alice Hegan Rice

A Romance of the Republic-Lydia Maria Francis Child

A Romance of the West Indies-Eugene Sue

A Romance Of Tompkins Square-Thomas A. Janvier

A Romance of Toronto-Annie Gregg Savigny

A Romance of Two Worlds-Marie Corelli

A Romance of Wastdale-Alfred Edward Woodley Mason

A Romance of Youth, Complete-Francois Coppee

A Romance of Youth, Vol. 1-Francois Coppee

A Romance of Youth, Vol. 2-Francois Coppee

A Romance of Youth, Vol. 3-Francois Coppee

A Romance of Youth, Vol. 4-Francois Coppee

A Romantic Young Lady-Robert Grant

A Room With A View-E. M. Forster

A Rose in June-Mrs. Oliphant                                        

A Rose of a Hundred Leaves-Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

A Rose of Yesterday-F. Marion Crawford

A Rough Diamond-John Baldwin Buckstone

A Rough Shaking-George MacDonald

A Round Dozen-Susan Coolidge

A Roving Commission-G. A. Henty

A Royal Prisoner-Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain

A Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches and Bells-Edmund Beckett

A Runaway Brig;-James Otis

A Russian Gentleman-Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov

A Russian Proprietor-Lyof N. Tolstoi

A Ryght Profytable Treatyse-Thomas Betson

A Safety Match-Ian Hay

A Sailor in Spite of Himself-Harry Castlemon                        

A Sailor of King George-Frederick Hoffman

A Sailors Lass-Emma Leslie

A Sappho of Green Springs-Bret Harte

A Satire Anthology-Various

A Satyr Against Hypocrites-John Phillips

A Saudade-Henrique Ernesto dAlmeida Coutinho

A Scena do Odio-Jos, de Almada Negreiros

A School History of the Great War-McKinley et al.

A School History of the United States-John Bach McMaster

A Schoolmasters Diary-Stuart Petre Brodie Mais

A Scientist Rises-Desmond Winter Hall

A Scout of To-day-Isabel Hornibrook

A Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics-William F. White

A se tordre-Alphonse Allais

A Sea Queens Sailing-Charles Whistler

A Search For A Secret (Vol 1 of 3)-G. A. Henty

A Search For A Secret (Vol 2 of 3)-G. A. Henty

A Search For A Secret (Vol 3 of 3)-G. A. Henty

A searchlight on Germany: Germanys Blunders, Crimes-0

A Season at Harrogate-Barbara Hofland

A Seasonable Warning and Caution against the Insinuations of-0

A Second Book Of Operas-Henry Edward Krehbiel

A Second Coming-Richard Marsh

A Second Home-Honore de Balzac

A Second Letter to the Bishop of Exeter-Edward Hall Alderson

A Second Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, M.A.-Mayow Wynell Mayow

A Secret of the Lebombo-Bertram Mitford

A Secret of the Sea, Vol. 1 of 3-T. W. Speight

A Secret of the Sea, Vol. 2 of 3-T. W. Speight                     

A Secret of the Sea, Vol. 2 of 3-T. W. Speight                     

A Secret of the Sea, Vol. 3 of 3-T. W. Speight

A Secret of the Sea, Vol. 3 of 3-T. W. Speight                     

A Select Collection of Old English Plays-Robert Dodsley

A Select Collection of Old English Plays-Various

A Select Collection of Old English Plays (11 of 15)-W. Carew Hazlitt

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. 12 of 15,-0

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. 13 of 15,  -0

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. 15 of 15,-0

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. 6-Robert Dodsley

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. 7 (4th edn.)-Various

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. 9-Various

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. II-Robert Dodsley

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII-0

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 1,-0

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 10 of 15-Various

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 3-Various

A Select Collection of Old English Plays; Originally Published-0

A Select Collection of Valuable and Curious Arts-0

A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699-Earl Gregg Swem  

A Selection from the Comedies of Marivaux-Pierre Carlet

A Selection From The Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick-Robert Herrick

A Selection from the Poems of William Morris-William Morris

A Selection from the Works of Frederick Locker-Frederick Locker

A Selection of Books Published by Methuen Co. September 1913-0

A Selection of Books Published by Methuen and Co. Ltd.-Anonymous

A Selection of Books Published by Methuen, Oct 1910-Methuen Co.

A senhora Rattazzi-Camilo Castelo Branco

A Senhora Viscondessa-Sebastiao de Magalhaes Lima

A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy-Laurence Sterne

A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga-Yogi Ramacharaka

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga-Yogi Ramacharaka

A Series of Letters In Defence of Divine Revelation-Hosea Ballou

A serious proposal to the Ladies, for the advancement of their-0

A Sermon Delivered before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor,-0

A sermon preachd before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor,-0

A Sermon Preached in Christ Church, Hartford,-0

A Sermon Preached in York Minister, on St. Bartholomews Day,-0

A Sermon Preached on the Anniversary of the Boston Female-0

A sermon, preached in St. Peters, Southborough, on occasion-0

A servant of Satan-Louis Berard                                     

A Servant of the Public-Anthony Hope

A Set of Rogues-Frank Barrett

A Set of Six-Joseph Conrad

A Sheaf-John Galsworthy

A Sheaf of Bluebells-Baroness Emmuska Orczy

A Sheaf of Corn-Mary E. Mann

A Sheaf of Roses-Elizabeth Gordon

A Sheaf of Verses-Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall

A Shepherds Life-W. H. Hudson

A Short Account of Kings College Chapel-Walter Poole Littlechild

A Short Account of the History of Mathematics-W. W. Rouse Ball

A Short Compendium of the Catechism for the Indians-N. L. Sifferath

A Short Discourse Concerning Pestilential Contagion, and-0

A Short Essay Toward the Improvement of Psalmody-Isaac Watts

A Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel,by Stephen Crisp-0

A Short History of Astronomy-Arthur Berry

A Short History of Birds Beasts, for the Amusement-0

A Short History of Christianity-J. M. Robertson