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Showing posts with label Sun Tsz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun Tsz. Show all posts
Saturday, December 31, 2118
Thursday, November 29, 2018
The Art Of War By Sun Tsz
The Art of War (Sun Tz? on the Art of War: The Oldest Military Treatise in the World) is probably the world's first how-to manual on military strategy. It was likely written, studied, and applied over 2,000 years ago during a particularly chaotic era of Chinese history called the Warring States period (475–221 BCE). During that time, what is now Eastern China was divided into more than 20 territories, each ruled by its own warlord intent on reunification, with himself being emperor. The success of these warlords depended on the appointment of a professional commanding general. One such commanding general was the author, Sun Tzu (also spelled Tz?), who wrote a summary of his approach to war. In the years following, advice given in The Art of War proved its value to those who studied and applied it with success. As it became known as a Chinese classical work, commentaries and explanations by other experts were added.
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